Planet Horseshoe Crab

“Horseshoe crabs save human lives every day; this project is dedicated to returning the favor.” – Alex Zerphy


PHC information boards, as shown above, can be found at the Annapolis Maritime Museum and the Back Creek Nature Center.

“My idea is an awareness campaign on horseshoe crabs and their contribution to our well-being. Not many people are familiar with horseshoe crabs and those who are probably do not think about horseshoe crabs as heroes. Every prescription drug and vaccine is tested for bacteria by using horseshoe crab blood. The crabs are bled and released; only to be caught and used as bait by conch fishermen. We need people to get involved in horseshoe crab surveys to better understand these animals. My campaign will inspire people to come up with alternate testing for prescription drugs and put harsher restrictions on fishing for them to be used as bait. The campaign will also motivate people to flip stranded horseshoe crabs over to keep their book gills moist which keeps them alive.”

Project Horseshoe Crab

If you are interested in Educational Outreach and/or Horseshoe Crab Surveys, please contact us.